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And when I thought I was going to finish this comic, each page takes me two weeks….sigh

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And when I thought I was going to finish this comic, each page takes me two weeks….sigh

So Angeliki, why is that? Now to be truthful your illustration and story are wonderful to read and enjoy, which to me, I would think you’d like to do more stories of Isidore and Magda. I can see them fighting the Nazi in the French under ground. But then, I am not drawing and writing this story. Perhaps your just tired of the whole thing.

There is a second part of course(WITH Nazis, mind you:P), but the whole comic had a specific storyline and I am planning to finish it! I can’t grow tired because this comic is my baby :P (ok that sounded sad hehehe)

My dear Angeliki, that does not sound sad at all. Anything a person creates out of there own blood sweat and tiers is something they hold dear to themselves and it only natural they consider it their baby. Okay, you finish this story line and move on to the next. I am so looking forward to it. ;)

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